Privacidad | Cuaret accesorios
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Data processing policy:

Cuaret Accesorios undertakes to use your data solely and exclusively for purposes that have to do with completing your transactions such as:

  • Credit card processing or shipping address.

  • That your visit and navigation on our website is agile and safe, if you register your access data such as name, address and email you will be able to access the tracking of your orders or generate a faster next purchase.

  • Sometimes we may send information about news, discounts, collection changes or other activities organized by Cuaret. You can withdraw from receiving this information whenever you want.

  • Your data is hosted on a secure server provided by Wix, our e-commerce platform.

  • PAYMENTS : Our payment gateway for your credit cards is managed by Mercadopago, they use your information temporarily, guaranteeing that your data is true and your payment is secure.

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